Do you encourage pollination in your garden?

May 30, 2019

Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. The goal of every living organism, including plants, is to create offspring for the next generation. One of the ways that plants can produce offspring is by making seeds.


With many people opting for artificial lawns and even plastic flowers in hanging baskets…!!!???!!!...

…we all need to be aware of this essential process that needs to take place and maybe take some responsibility and help our plants and pollinators (such as bees and butterflies) along a little.


So before you pull up that dandelion save a thought for our busy bees?


Here are a few ways in which we can help pollination:

1.  Weeds: A weed free, striped lawn is often considered desirable – but a few daisies on the lawn could really help our bees continue their great work. Bees love cheery daisies, dandelions and clover, so why not consider your lawn a low-growing meadow instead of a labour-intensive outdoor carpet? Mowing it less regularly, one or two notches higher on your mower’s height setting, will create a much friendlier wildlife habitat.

2. Wild meadows: If you can, why not designate a corner of your garden to a wildflowers? Bees love lots of different coloured flowers and it’s important to plan for a wide range of flowers of different types, which will attract different kinds of bees and other pollinators.

3. Give bees something to sip on: If you ever see a bumble bee that seems lethargic, it might be dehydrated. If you place shallow dishes of water in your garden and around flowers, or keep a fountain going and place pebbles in it for bees to sit on, the bees can then hydrate as needed.


4. Plant flowering vegetables and fruit: Consider planting flowering fruit and veg such as tomatoes and courgettes. This way you can get the veggies you want while the bees get the pollen they need.


5. Ditch the pesticides: If you want to increase the bees in your garden it’s best to reduce (or preferably stop) using pesticides.  Instead, use natural pest protection such as herbs in your garden.


6. Try to extend the flowering season: Keep flowers going in your garden for as long as possible and have something in flower before and after the flowering times of your crops.


7. Avoid double-flowered cultivars: Flowers with lots of petals can be difficult for insects to access and contain little or no pollen.


8. Hand-Pollinate Vegetable Crops: In periods of wet or cold weather insects are less likely to be out and about. If poor weather lasts more than a few days, or if you’re growing under cover, you may find you need to hand-pollinate some crops.



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